Ric and Bill in Tarawa

Started by Chris Johnson, June 23, 2011, 03:37:15 PM

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Chris Johnson

Well the news so far looks good. Lots of new information to process then hopefully digest on the Forum!

Rics is also begining to write Vol2 of the story.

I can't wait for them to come back and begin to pass on what they have found ;D

Appologies should have put in link News

Norman Daly

What is the "news so far looks good"? This is apparently a new thread referring to Ric and Bill in Tarawa...did I miss the context on a different thread?
Norm Daly

Martin X. Moleski, SJ

Quote from: Norman Daly on June 23, 2011, 06:10:03 PM
What is the "news so far looks good"? This is apparently a new thread referring to Ric and Bill in Tarawa...did I miss the context on a different thread?

I've just added a Facebook box to the front page of the Forum.  It takes a few seconds to load, but it is a quick-and-dirty way to keep Forum folks updated on news from TIGHAR's facebook page.

This little feed doesn't show replies to TIGHAR's facebook posts--just the status update and other posts to the wall.  There is a Facebook button up above on every page (between Ameliapedia and Join the search) that will let you go directly to the full page.  There is also a link above the little status window.

I looked into an RSS feed for the Forum yesterday, but the folks who wrote the plugin want strict XML and the folks at Facebook don't want to provide strict XML.  I think I have the skills to hack the plugin so that we can get posts from Ric on Facebook copied into the Forum, but not any time soon.  I have to finish proofreading my book and compose and index, then I go on retreat next week.

           TIGHAR #2359A

Martin X. Moleski, SJ

Quote from: Chris Johnson on June 23, 2011, 03:37:15 PM
Apologies, should have put in link to the News section of the website.

Thanks, Chris!  I hadn't noticed that the longest and best articles are there until just this morning.

I've always thought that Tarawa could well be the resting place for the bones, even though I couldn't find any letter of transmittal in the materials I read in the WPHC Archives.  The Pacific Islands Settlement Scheme was run for the benefit of the Gilbert and Ellice Islands Colony.  Tarawa was the local headquarters for the Colony, which explains why Verrier was able to hold the bones hostage when they were en route to Fiji.  Someone at some time may well have thought, "Let's send the bones back to Tarawa, where they will be closer to where they were found."

Of course, one of the great laws of research recognized and often exemplified by TIGHAR's work is that you find something you were not looking for while searching for something else.  Serendipity happens.

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Zach Reed

If they found the bones, it would certainly cinch the TIGHAR hypothesis. There would be no doubt...

Martin X. Moleski, SJ

Quote from: Zach Reed on June 25, 2011, 11:22:37 PM
If they found the bones, it would certainly cinch the TIGHAR hypothesis. There would be no doubt...

It would allow the Niku hypothesis to be tested.

The bones might blow the theory to pieces if they proved not to be compatible with the DNA from the Earhart and Noonan families.

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Monty Fowler

"the circularity  of an observable position line"   ???

OK, I admit to not doing very well in math and geometry, but I'm pretty sure that the generally accepted definition of "line" is something straight, while "circle" is something "not straight," so, again ...  ???
Ex-TIGHAR member No. 2189 E C R SP, 1998-2016

Monty Fowler

An average of 2.817 posts per day ... in a little over two months. Impressive.

Getting back to the actual topic of this thread - has the treasure trove of documents turned up anything more interesting regardnig Gallagher? Anything even remotely linked to the bones find might help move the search along.

Ex-TIGHAR member No. 2189 E C R SP, 1998-2016

Martin X. Moleski, SJ

Quote from: Monty Fowler on July 01, 2011, 11:33:08 AM
... has the treasure trove of documents turned up anything more interesting regarding Gallagher? Anything even remotely linked to the bones find might help move the search along.

I've seen Ric's preliminary reports to EPAC.  They have learned a tremendous amount about the history of the colony, including Gallagher's tenure there.  Ric is writing a full report and many of the documents will end up on http://tighar.org eventually.  It will take time for him to write his report and a lot more time for the documents to be cataloged and made available on the site.

Everybody who is aware of the Tarawa trip is eager for details.  They will come in due course.  AFTER Ric is done writing, I'm sure he will be willing to answer questions about the trip.

Based on his preliminary report, there does not seem to be any new information about the bones themselves. 

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