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Author Topic: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?  (Read 25656 times)

Nancy Marilyn Gould

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2011, 03:35:21 PM »

I hardly slept for two nights after I read Betty's Notebook on the TIGHAR site and the discussion of the notebook in Finding Amelia.


I can see how that could be frightening; putting yourself in Amelia's shoes and imagining what she must've gone through.


Interesting comment.  I found the notebook particularly spooky, too.  I'm not completely sure why, though.  Maybe it was the idea that they (at least FN) were in a state of near panic.  The situation was desperate enough, and then add in the possibility that FN might have had a severe head wound.  I'm guessing he died pretty early on and AE was left on her own for most of it.

Randy W Kerr

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2011, 06:06:24 PM »

I hardly slept for two nights after I read Betty's Notebook on the TIGHAR site and the discussion of the notebook in Finding Amelia.


I can see how that could be frightening; putting yourself in Amelia's shoes and imagining what she must've gone through.


Interesting comment.  I found the notebook particularly spooky, too.  I'm not completely sure why, though.  Maybe it was the idea that they (at least FN) were in a state of near panic.  The situation was desperate enough, and then add in the possibility that FN might have had a severe head wound.  I'm guessing he died pretty early on and AE was left on her own for most of it.

I have often mulled over the impressions of FN in a panic, as related by the post landing radio intercepts, and wondered if it was a result of a brain injury suffered on landing.  In some cases severe head injuries can cause disorientation and even radical changes in behavior.  Being on an island with a companion experiencing trauma-induced psychotic episodes would be an added burden on AE's survival chances.

Thom Boughton

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2011, 11:47:29 PM »

I do recall reading that AE was concerned about the long legs over jungled areas because of the lack of anywhere to land and unlikelihood of being found. I would have the same concerns.

I would imagine just about anyone would have those concerns.

I think that dying as a castaway on Niku would be more unpleasant than any of us can imagine but it has never given me nightmares. Fundraising, on the other hand, .......

Well...hopefully after Niku VII that will no longer be a concern.  (...or even sooner if we get terribly lucky at the DNA lab, eh?)


Gus Rubio

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2011, 12:28:08 PM »

Wow, Jeff- powerful stuff.

I certainly can't imagine much worse a fate than what we think happened to Amelia and Fred.  For all the intelligence and reasoning skills a given human might possess being at the top of the food chain, to be at the mercy of the weather and countless crabs, bugs, and what-not, is certainly humbling and chilling.

It certainly must have been a nightmare scenario for them before the flight and even along the way, and to have it come true is insult to injury.  I wonder if they ever seriously discussed the possibility of an emergency landing on a deserted island. 


Mike Piner

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2011, 01:09:38 PM »

As I sit reading this thread, I do not find it creepy, but I do find it a brave, corageous, epic journey that has been ongoing by those who started it, and allowed us to come on Board.  The wonder that I have had since I first heard My dad (a Coastguardsman) talk about it long ago, has come into a great focus as I have learned details on this site.  I can Imagine the heart beating emotions Ric, and all the others had as  they first went ashore on Nuki.  The small finds are now roomfulls. 
   Conclusions and guesses that we have and expound on the Forum may amuse Amelia and Fred, or possibly give the satisfaction as they sit where they are and observe.
   Rick should be proud of his leadership, and the others around him, proud of their efforts to help.  I just hope we find the truth, and AE&FN get closure.  Mike P

Don Dollinger

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2011, 03:18:32 PM »

when the truth is known for certain, the drama spinners will try to top it

When Oliver Stone released JFK I was listening to a talking head on the television about the asassination and he made a statement that I will paraphrase that hits the nail right on the head.

With all of the different theories, misinformation, and downright lies that have been bestowed on this case over the decades that when the short simple truth is revealed, no one will believe it.



Cynthia M Kennedy

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Re: Reading 'AE's Shoes' - Is Anybody Else Creeped Out By This Whole Thing?
« Reply #21 on: January 08, 2011, 11:01:17 PM »


I really appreciate your post.  So much of what you said is consistent with my thoughts. 

When I was growing up (1950s/1960s), my father had a ham radio license and also a shortwave radio.  He had his radios hooked up to a large antenna.  I used to spend hours listening to shortwave radio.  One day I heard what were apparently pleas for help from a man in Peru, saying, "This is Lima, This is Lima, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" He said this over and over (in English), and then began speaking Spanish.  My mother said that there had been an earthquake in Peru, and perhaps the man was trying to get information out about the dead and missing, as she thought he was reading a list that included names and numbers.  That incident still haunts me. 

Perhaps that is one reason why Betty's notebook had such an effect on me.

Thanks for the great post.



The whole thing for me - regardless of what book one reads, is rather compelling as to the human side of the story.  It can surely be full of intense elements too, especially for those who care, as you do, so deeply for the human subjects involved - they had names, loved-ones and feelings, for sure. 

Agreed, what a horrible predicament to find one's self in, and the better we get to 'know' AE and FN through research, the harder it is to keep the human element impersonal.  We find a bone on the ground and realize it represents a lonely end to whatever creature possessed it to that place.  I guess that's why I am thankful that Ric and the TIGHAR folks make that a central part of the quest - to learn the fate of two respected human beings, that those who care might know - not just to find a relic and tell a tale. 

There were likely very hard facts for these two fliers had to consciously face - anything from being aware of drowning in a failing ship or while completely awash and drifting at sea to perishing on the island from any number of dreadful causes.  But I too believe and take some comfort from the belief that "she just fell asleep one night, so very tired, hungry and thirsty and awoke in His loving arms ... ", as too will I one day, in some fashion of destiny to be assigned to my being.  But that doesn't mean my last conscious moments might not be filled with pain, terror or some other human emotion that is so much a part of who we are.  I mainly pray something doesn't rob me of my last dignities and strip the covers off my poor, human character at such a time.  Those dang crabs wouldn't help... agreed; sometimes I just have to dim the mental lights on that picture and move to another topic.

Personally, I am mainly and repeatedly haunted most by what lay behind Betty's notebook and other credible accounts of AE's transmissions.  It is a miracle to me that this lady brought forward the well-remembered and recorded tell-tale messages heard by her as a bright young girl, innocently locking-in as best she could on the thready contacts that were probably among the very last words  AE and FN would send out to a large, distant world.  If I sit up much at night about these two aviators, my mind's ear brings the faint but distinct sound of oscillating ripple and crackle of ancient radio waves propagating off into space, away from us at the speed of light as they take the messages of that time with them to far, unreachable places.  I want to grab them and haul them in, that we might all 'hear' what was said; it makes me think of old Twighlight Zone episodes - the thought of finding an old radio somewhere and finding that 'blast from the past' in there.  Aside from the humor of my nuttiness in that thought, this part of the quest really is discomforting to me.

Not that I can change what has already happened, but I want to KNOW that which I cannot get my arms around, except through TIGHAR's painstaking efforts, and I am haunted that two humans struggled in many ways and finally suffered some fate of which they were aware, but we cannot know until that veil is finally thrown back eventually, probably by TIGHAR.  It matters, so we seek - and in some ways sometimes share the horror of it, I guess.  Maybe that's why some think ghosts don't rest until worldly matters are resolved for those they were before fate stole them away.

My second-most compelling day-dream is that in my mind's eye - through conjecture, admittedly, sometimes I can see AE and FN struggling with winds, tides and spray and a big, weathercocking (swinging with wind and tide action) Lockheed taildragger out there on that reef, trying to start an engine and get the radios warmed-up, perhaps cursing a lost antenna and other damage; I can see AE struggling with an injured FN (do we know that? we have reason to suspect it, anyway) - both desparate for help as they become more aware of a quickly worsening situation.  I can also see them in oppressive heat, still air - no comfort in sight and surrounded by failing equipment.  It haunts me, alright.  I have to put the more violent end scenes under a layer of gauze, I guess - it would be a horrifying fate, and I cannot dismiss the human element, so I think I can empathize with your feelings.

For those who care about people and their individual fates - which TIGHAR folks do or most of us wouldn't be so attracted to this human story - it is a hard thing and no matter how told, it is an intense human story full of difficult facts.  It has decades of dust on it too, which seems to deepen the mysterious, if not mystical nature of the whole thing - and as TIGHAR carefully brushes the dust away we often find new details that are hard to take, especially when one has some sense of the face of a lost adventurer gazing back through the mist of time.  But I find solace in knowing that those long-gone are valued and the truth is being sought - they would be grateful at our knowing and caring.

Maybe it can help at times to focus on other elements of the events and search and let the edges wear off of the intensity of the more horrific possibilities.  They're gone from the cares of this world, their suffering has ended; their spirits would surely enjoy knowing those who care keep looking and try to solve the puzzle.

All the best for sweeter dreams - know that you are a part of putting those bones to peaceful rest, their hard times are past.

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