Finding Amelia DVD?

Started by Ashley Such, March 29, 2011, 08:47:07 AM

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Ashley Such


I believe you said that Discovery would decide whether or not to release the Finding Amelia documentary in April. Do you know if this is still happening?




Ric Gillespie

I haven't heard anything more so, as far as I know, it's still happening.

Ashley Such

Alfred Hendrickson

I'd like one, too. If anyone finds out where we can get them, please let me know.

Ashley Such

Quote from: Alfred Hendrickson on April 07, 2011, 06:36:07 PM
If anyone finds out where we can get them, please let me know.

Ditto. :)

Thom Boughton

Double ditto.  

Especially as it appears that my TiVo took a powder and lost my recording of the original broadcast.  Nothing else, just that one recording...everything else is fine.  

(I believe it's a Communist plot!!   Or....perhaps, my wife.)