Paint matching?

Started by Monty Fowler, March 07, 2016, 05:38:56 PM

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Monty Fowler

Having just watched the French documentary on the White Bird, made available to TIGHAR's at the Researcher level, I was stunned to learn that TIGHAR had achieved a paint match between the surviving undercarriage and the part recovered from the pond in Newfoundland.

What, exactly, was meant by "paint match"?

Monty Fowler, TIGHAR No. 2189 EC
Ex-TIGHAR member No. 2189 E C R SP, 1998-2016

Bruce Thomas

The film/video is 6-7 years old. I surmise that the "paint match" comment comes out of the 1993 article about l'Oiseau Blanc in TIGHAR Tracks.


Ric Gillespie

Quote from: Monty Fowler on March 07, 2016, 05:38:56 PM
What, exactly, was meant by "paint match"?

As I wrote in the TIGHAR Tracks article, our original request was that the Musee de l'Air send us a paint chip from the landing gear so that we could do a comparison.  They said, "No, you send us a chip from the artifact and we'll do the comparison." So we did. As I said in the video, they found it was the same type of paint.  That's nice but it's not in any way diagnostic.  It's generic paint, not unique to aviation or even to that era.  Another one of those enticing coincidences.