Where turtles land

Started by Craig Romig, September 03, 2015, 03:42:45 AM

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Craig Romig

Which side of aukairame (sp) do the turtules come up on. North or south?

Spelling fixed. Aukairame

Martin X. Moleski, SJ

Quote from: Craig Romig on September 03, 2015, 03:42:45 AM
Which side of aukerimane (sp) do the turtules come up on. North or south?

If you browse through this article, "Place Names on Nikumaroro," you will find not only the correct spelling of Aukaraime but also a view of the island from Google earth that may answer your question.

My guess is that sea turtles will land on the island from the side that is open to the ocean, not from the lagoon.

           TIGHAR #2359A

Ric Gillespie

Quote from: Martin X. Moleski, SJ on September 03, 2015, 06:37:51 AM
My guess is that sea turtles will land on the island from the side that is open to the ocean, not from the lagoon.

Yes, turtles come ashore to lay eggs on the ocean beaches of both Aukeraime north and Aukeraime south.  We've seen turtles in the lagoon but no sign of them coming ashore. They apparently prefer a sandy beach where they can dig a depression in which to lay their eggs.

Daniel R. Brown

Here's data from Canton for comparison.

Dan Brown, #2408

Craig Romig

I have done a search and have gotten conflicting stories.

Bevington said he round the ameriki end of the island to find dry whale bones and turtle tracks.
I am trying to figure out which direction around the island he was traveling. Clockwise or counterclockwise. I think it was counterclockwise. Please help confirm or deny his travel direction.

Ric Gillespie

Quote from: Craig Romig on September 03, 2015, 12:38:36 PM
Please help confirm or deny his travel direction.

Counterclockwise or, as Eric would have said, anti-clockwise.

Craig Romig

Your right anti clockwise. Thank you.